
I neglected to post things recently so this is a mix of made and unmade stuff of late.

razor clams with spicy lime honey sauce and crisp-fried shallots
skate with volpi un mundo filone and sweet red pepper
polenta with turkey sausage and caramelized onions + garlic
  • sweet and spicy razor clams
  • pan-fried skate wing with diced sausage, shallot, and pepper (I was going to add smoked paprika but it didn't need it. It was perfect).
  • sourdough focaccia (BBA poolish focaccia where poolish replaced by 8oz of 100% hydration starter plus 6flour+6water)
  • sourdough chocolate cake
  • polenta with broiled turkey sausage, rosemary, and garlic. The coarse white Three Sisters Garden polenta is the real deal. It takes a minimum of an hour and a half to cook and it retains a brilliant corn flavor.
  • salad with blood orange, julienned beets, and pecans
  • blood orange olive oil pound cake
  • black-eyed peas with fenugreek and tomato sauce (methi lobhia)
  • frittata with salami, potatoes, and red pepper
  • taro with curry leaves and tamarind; coconut rice
  • Vanilla parsnip soup

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